Contact Nexans ACT2022



Matching contribution

Amount paid by the company in addition to the amounts invested by employee as part of an employee savings plan. Payments may be topped up in accordance with the rules and ceilings established by the International Group Savings Scheme (French Plan d’Épargne Groupe International or PEGI) regulation of Nexans.


Difference between the Reference Price and the Subscription Price.


Portion of a company’s net profit distributed to shareholders, at the end of each financial year, by decision of the General Meeting.

Company employee mutual fund

A Company Employee Mutual Fund (French Fonds Commun de Placement d’Entreprise or FCPE) is co-ownership of securities reserved for the employees of a company. It is divided into units.
When you participate in the Offer, your investment is placed in a Company Employee Mutual Fund which acquires the shares in your name and on your behalf.
You then become a unit-holder (not a direct shareholder).
The Company Employee Mutual Fund is governed by a regulation which provides for the setting-up of a Supervisory board to ensure its correct functioning. The voting rights attached to Nexans shares are exercised by the Company Employee Mutual Fund’s Supervisory board.

International Group Savings Scheme

An International Group Savings Scheme (French Plan d’Épargne Groupe International or PEGI) is a collective savings scheme allowing each employee, in the context of his/her company, to accumulate individual savings under favorable financial and tax conditions. All sums paid into the plan are blocked for five years except in cases of early release.

Reference price

The reference price = the average of the Nexans share opening prices recorded on each of the 20 trading days prior to June 22, 2022.

Subscription price

The subscription price = 80% of the reference price.


Multiplier applied to the difference between the reference price and the monthly protected average to calculate performance.

Monthly protected average

The protected average is equal to the average of the closing prices of the share taken once a month for 60 months. It is said to be protected because if a closing share price reading is lower than the reference price, the reference price will be used to calculate the average increase.

Nexans ACT2022

